Weekly Digest
Watch List Weekly Recap 3/10/23
Extra, extra, get yer Academy Awards predictions and short film links here.
Weekly Digest
Extra, extra, get yer Academy Awards predictions and short film links here.
Weekly Digest
Last-chance February titles, a new podcast episode celebrates a great heist flick, and one of 2022's best films finally comes to theaters.
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Con artists ands cocaine bears -- it was that kind of week.
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Vacation edition: Just a podcast, but it's a good one.
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This week: The best films newly arriving on streaming services and four new theatrical releases reviewed.
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Farewell to a cult rock deity and a look at Peacock's "Poker Face."
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Sundance reports and musings on the latest Oscar nominations.
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A guide to making your TV settings safe for movies and a paean to an under-sung actress.
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This week in the WL: The only good movies on Netflix (all 127 of them), plus a guide to new films in theaters and on demand.
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The year ahead in film -- 32 movies we're looking forward to -- and the week ahead, too.
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Goodbye, 2022 (phew). Hello, 2023 (gulp).
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This week: Two posts of practical viewing advice and one post of personal holiday memories.