Watch List Digest 6/14/24

This week: Ten good-to-great movies that just arrived on Amazon Prime and a farewell to one of the great social-realist filmmakers in the medium's history.

Watch List Digest 6/14/24
Dave Turner and friend in "The Old Oak"

This is the weekend recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to cut down on in-box clutter and receive this weekly email ONLY, hit the red "Account" button on the top right of the home page, select "manage" under "Email preferences," and untoggle the regular "Watch List" newsletter option, leaving the “Weekly Digest” option toggled on. If you'd like to NOT receive this re-cap, just untoggle the "Weekly Digest" option.

This week: Ten good-to-great movies that just arrived on Amazon Prime and a farewell to one of the great social-realist filmmakers in the medium's history.

10 Good Movies on Prime Video
You’re in the mood for a decent film? Here are 10 that just became available on Amazon Prime.
What to Watch: “The Old Oak”
Ken Loach’s final film comes to VOD. Plus: Reviews of “Brats” and “Tuesday.”

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