Watch List Digest 6/8/24

This week join me for a trip down the memory hole with two films that evoke the vanished New York City of the 1980s.

Watch List Digest 6/8/24
Klaus Nomi

This is the weekend recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to cut down on in-box clutter and receive this weekly email ONLY, hit the red "Account" button on the top right of the home page, select "manage" under "Email preferences," and untoggle the regular "Watch List" newsletter option, leaving the “Weekly Digest” option toggled on. If you'd like to NOT receive this re-cap, just untoggle the "Weekly Digest" option.

This week I went down the memory hole with two films that evoke the vanished New York City of my 1980s youth.

One Good Film: “Liquid Sky”
Holy Pyramid Club: “Liquid Sky” (1982, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 1/2) has surfaced on the Criterion Channel like a day-glo nitrous gas bubble from another era, and, as the film is unavailable anywhere else at this writing, I advise you to have a look.
One Good Film: “The Nomi Song”
Further time-tunneling into New Wave New York, courtesy of a lost interplanetary androgyne (no, not Bowie) and one of the author’s favorite reviews.

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