Watch List Weekly Recap 2/17/23

Vacation edition: Just a podcast, but it's a good one.

Watch List Weekly Recap 2/17/23

This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to cut down on in-box clutter and receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”

The Watch List is on vacation someplace warm this week, but the inaugural installment in a new series of Watchcast podcasts, The Great Movies of the New Millennium, was preloaded and went up on Wednesday. In it you can hear (or watch on YouTube) Rolling Stone film critic David Fear and me discuss one of the more ambiguously unsettling movies of the 21st century to date, Jonathan Glazer’s “Under The Skin,” starring Scarlett Johansson (above) in a bravura portrayal of an alien lure. Whether or not you listen to the podcast, the movie’s definitely worth seeing, and I’ve included VOD rental information in the intro. Future Watchcast guests will include Jason Bailey of The Playlist, Dana Stevens of Slate, and many more, so keep an ear and an eye out. Back to regular Watch Listing next week.

The Watchcast: "Under the Skin" with David Fear
Listen now (38 min) | To my readers: I’m finally making good on my promise to deliver more podcasts, and with this one I’m inaugurating a new series: “Classics of the New Millennium,” a series of chats about the great films of the 21st century (to date) featuring a rotating gallery of guest critics and filmmakers. I pick the guest, the guest picks the film, and we get into t…

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