Watch List Weekly Recap 3/30/23

March goes out like a lamb with a Keanu encomium and six best bets in theaters and on VOD. ("Rye Lane," people.)

Watch List Weekly Recap 3/30/23

This is the Friday recap of Ty Burr’s Watch List postings for the week. If you’d like to cut down on in-box clutter and receive this weekly email ONLY, please go to your account page and under “Email notifications” uncheck every box except “Weekly Digest.” If you’d prefer to not receive it at all, uncheck just “Weekly Digest.”

Monday I padded out my recovery time by reprinting my Sunday Washington Post Arts section front-pager on the Tao of Keanu Reeves for paid subscribers.

The full Keanu: Mellowest guy on the planet to onscreen killing machine
I’m still gearing up for a return later this week, but as a bonus for paid subscribers who don’t subscribe to the Washington Post online, here’s the piece I wrote on Keanu Reeves for this past Sunday’s Arts section — I hope you enjoy it, because I certainly enjoyed writing it. TB

Normality or some semblance thereof returned by end of week, allowing me to happily recommend a few fine new features on VOD and in theaters, plus a couple of choice oldies. But, seriously, if you need a spring pick-me-up, check out “Rye Lane” (above) on Hulu.

What To Watch: Post-Op Edition
The tongue-in-cheek question I posed on Facebook the day after my surgery two weeks ago remains relevant today: Can a movie critic without a spleen really be considered a movie critic? I guess we find out from here on in, but rest assured that my bile ducts remain open for business. And don’t ask whether I’ve still got gall.

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